A mātou kōrero | About Us
This website has been set up by members of the Te Ika Whenua community in support of the Murupara Medical Centre and its lead GP, Dr Bernard Conlon, a fellow of the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners. (FRNZCGP)
He Tākuta Tipua | Standing in support of Dr Bernard Conlon strives to highlight stories from the people of his communities of Te Ika Whenua Ranges:
Te Whaiti
These are the stories from locals who have received the Pfizer vaccine and those who want an alternative medicine to protect them from Covid-19.
Mā te mōhiotanga, ka mārama | From education comes knowledge
Our Mission
Support Dr Conlon and the Murupara Medical Centre by Te Ika Whenua communities standing in Unity.
Our Vision
Whāia te kotahitanga o te wairua, paiherea ki te rangimārie me te aroha | Seek the unity of the spirit, bound by love and peace.