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Final decision on Medical Council complaint delayed

Updated: Nov 4, 2021

04 November 2021

The Murupara Medical Centre has written an open letter to the Medical Council after being notified that it will set up an investigative entity to further explore a complaint against the surgery's Bernard Conlon.

You can read the surgery's release to the media here.

His letter has been posted (04 November 2021) to the surgery's Facebook page. For convenience, you can read the contents of Dr Conlon's correspondence below:

Open Letter to the Medical Council

I have patiently waited to have my good reputation restored after the recent mischievous complaint made against me by the clinical lead of Covid Vaccine Rollout EBOP.

That I instead receive notice that I am to be submitted to further scrutiny by a newly created investigative entity, during which I am to refrain from any pronouncements on the Covid-19 vaccination rollout is most disappointing indeed.

I have not worried about this complaint to date; it was mischievous and the result of me asking awkward questions that highlighted the deficiencies associated with the present rollout around the fundamentals of informed consent and freedom to choose.

That the Medical Council cannot quickly and clearly vindicate my position is more worrying than the complaint itself.

Let me make it easy for my medical council colleagues and be unequivocal: I am not an anti-vaxxer and would personally administer this vaccine should my patient be adequately informed and given free choice.

I would now like to ask my Medical Council colleagues this question.

Are the fundamentals of informed consent and freedom to choose no longer prerequisite requirements in the New Zealand medical profession?

The ugly bullying, I see happening against my unvaccinated patients is one of the saddest experiences I have ever witnessed during my time as a doctor.

To see such patients treated as errant livestock is plainly wrong; one patient described his experience – it was like having a boot to my neck whilst I reluctantly rolled up my sleeve to have the jab and save my job.

I would respectively ask guidance on this matter so I can gauge how far the Medical Council has strayed from the Hippocratic Oath that I swore on the day of my graduation; specifically, to do no harm or injustice to ones’ patient.

Once I receive such guidance then I will better understand the inability of the Council to vindicate me and will reply accordingly.

Yours sincerely,

Bernard Conlon


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