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More than doctors - Huia Tohiariki

Huia (Huriwaka) Tohiariki says the Murupara Medical Centre services are interwoven into the fabric of their district and local marae, and offers more than medical advice and treatment.

Pictured here in front of her wharenui, Apahapaitaketake at Rangitahi Marae in Murupara, Huia says this marae is home to Dr Bernard Conlon.

Here is her story…

Dr Bernard Conlon has hosted and been part of organising local celebrations and other important occasions at Rangitahi Marae including a farewell for one of his long-serving doctors and events for the Catholic Church. He is integral to us and all the marae in the district.

Dr Conlon and his wife, Dr Britta Noske, have a solid relationship with the people of Ngāti Manawa.

They have helped care for our families and assisted in keeping our children and mokopuna safe and in good health.

He has also done a lot to help improve the health and wellbeing of kaumatua in our rohe.

In addition to being an exceptional doctor who’s trained many locums, Dr Conlon has been influential in establishing social support programmes to look after the community.

He also works collaboratively with organisations that have a health focus - in our town.

We have harsh winters here and people are prone to getting pneumonia, the flu and heart problems. As a result, our doctor instigated a programme like Healthy Homes to help whānau insulate their homes to make them warmer and drier.

He also sought support to help several families to have heat pumps put into their homes, so they had a heating source during winter.

He has done this not only through his medical expertise but also by ensuring that community initiatives and services are accessible to our kaumatua.

To support some of our kaumātua who find it difficult to get to appointments and to aid their families, Bernard set up a transport service so our oldies can get to their hospital appointments in Rotorua, Waikato and even Whakatāne.

A community volunteer driver would take our kaumātua to their appointments.

The programme, Meals on Wheels, was also established by Dr Conlon through our Aunties; Diane Grace, Kui Rewi and their sister, Doris Pouwhare as part of Te Awhina Services.

They along with Dr Conlon dedicated themselves to this service for over 20 years. Our elderly Dad Himiona Nuku was always delighted to see his whanaunga, our Aunties, for chats when they delivered his lunch, every Tuesday without fail. It was the highlight of his week.

I also remember the long queue I had to see an eye specialist. I knew I was never going to make it, the line went right down the street. We’re also lucky to have a podiatrist, originally this service was provided through the medical centre.

The services our doctors provide to the community were recognised in 2019. Bernard and Britta received New Zealanders of the Year, “Local Hero Award”, Bay of Plenty.

This was in recognition of their dedication and contribution to the community of Murupara.

Rangitahi Marae highlighted this special accolade by holding a Christmas event for the community.

We were very, very proud of them both. We appreciate Dr Conlon, Dr Britta and all the staff at the Medical Centre.

We know we are in safe hands, where we receive a standard of care, attention and professionalism that goes above and beyond the call of duty.

My whānau and I trust Dr Conlon and Dr Noske. Three of my moko (grandchildren) live away from Murupara but return home when they require medical advice or treatment.

“Why? Because the surgery here has that personal touch and they know their patients.

Interestingly, two of my grandchildren are studying to be nurses. Perhaps one of the nurses at the surgery inspired their career path.

If my moko aren’t able to come home, the Medical Centre is a phone call away.

We are grateful that Dr Conlon, Dr Britta Noske and their staff at the Medical Centre are here.

They go above and beyond the standard of care and professionalism that is required of them.

Dr Conlon, YOU REMAIN A HERO, to Rangitahi Pā, our family and this community.

Ngā mihi nui,

Huia (Huriwaka) Tohiariki

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