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Thank you for my diagnosis

27 December 2021

Mihi mai ki a Jeremy Nicholls from Te Whaiti-nui-a-Toi. He tells us why he’s grateful and supportive of the Murupara Medical Centre.

Here’s his story….

“Hi, I’m Jim from the Minginui - Te Whaiti community I just wanted to share my experience and support for Dr Bernard Conlon.

In 2016, my partner and I decided to move back to Minginui. My partner mentioned that we would have to change our doctor in Whakatāne and instead go to Dr Conlon. During that time, I had already spent most of my life over 20 years going to the doctors trying to tell them that something wasn’t right with me. Every time I went to the doctors, they would inform me that it was all in my head and to take some panadol and ‘you’ll be right. See you later.’

My first visit with Dr Conlon in 2016 was up here in Minginui at our outreach clinic. It was my first time meeting him. He greeted me and said to me to take a seat. He then asked me what was going on with me. I felt like I finally had a doctor take me seriously and listen.

After listening to me he told me his thoughts and put me through some tests. I spent over an hour in that appointment with him. He wasn’t even concerned about limiting the consultation to 15 min like how it usually is! It took about a week to get the results back and as soon as my doctor got my results he got the receptionist at the Minginui outreach clinic to give me a call. I went straight over and Dr Conlon told me it wasn't all in my head and he explained the diagnosis to me.

I felt relieved that finally after many many years of going to see doctors it took me to move back to Minginui to get a diagnosis. I felt that finally, I can get better because I know what's wrong with me.

I OWE MY LIFE to our rural medical practitioners, Dr Conlon and Dr Britta Noske, without them I wouldn't be on the road to recovery and wouldn't be here today,” he says.

Jim worries about the future saying that he’s unsure that any other doctor would understand the severity of his condition. He doesn’t want to find a new GP.

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